There are some things in life that I will always adore; coffee in bed in the morning (preferably laying next to a lover in the afterglow of sex), a beautiful sunset that casts an orange glow over everything it kisses, a night at the opera and…well, being a prick tease.

When it comes to kink, admittedly I can be a little fickle. The things that drive me wild sometimes shift and, not one to tie myself down (well, unless the circumstances require it 😉 ), I find that going with the flow has always been the best approach for me. I go through phases of feeling more submissive, and others of being more dominant, phases of enjoying nothing more than rough sex and others where I long to cuddle and be cuddled. Navigating this as a kinky (London!) escort can be tricky, but I’ve found that generally, embracing whatever the flavour of the month is seems to be the magic trick to making sure that sessions stay fresh and sex stays blisteringly hot.

That being said, there are some desires of mine that will never change and right at the top of the list is being a tease, a prick tease, specifically. There is something so intoxicatingly powerful about having a sexual hold over a man, particularly when that man is powerful himself in one way or another.

It all begins long before we are in bed together. Perhaps we are on the sofa, my body pressed up against yours, perhaps we are flirting over dinner in a nice restaurant, my foot lightly grazing the inside of your leg under the table from time to time. I keep electrifying eye contact with you and I know that with each touch, your cock is twitching, helplessly responding to each provocation. I know that if you could, you’d fuck me right now, but you can’t. You have to wait, and the wait will be as delicious as it is frustrating. Your eyes follow me as I slip to the bathroom, and I know you can see the outline of my suspenders underneath my skirt. You try to imagine what I might be wearing underneath my clothes, but you don’t need to wonder for long. As you sit alone at the table, your phone pings and you see I have emailed you a selfie from inside the bathroom, wearing nothing but fine lingerie – picked out specifically because I know you’re powerless to resist me when I wear it. Of course, I send this when I know we still have dessert yet to come. I smile at you over the table as we share some delicate little sweet treat; I want you on the edge of your seat and of your arousal, your cock pressing tightly against the inside of your trousers. I want to feel you getting more and more desperate, and I can.

We take a cab back to my place and your desire for me during the ride is palpable. Once we get in, you’re so eager but you know I am in control tonight; your pleasure comes only after mine. I use my body to push you back against the front door once we are through it, and I feel your erection with my fingertips, their contact instantly coaxing you closer to the edge. I ask you to sit on my sofa and I stand in front of you, slowly removing my clothes. Once I am down to my lingerie, I straddle you, grinding myself against you on top of your trousers.

I could do this all night; I’m in no rush.

When I know you can’t wait any longer, I guide you to my bed, leading you by your belt. I take your trousers and pants off and lie you down, feeling the heat from your body as I do so. I whisper in your ear, softly asking you if you were hard during dinner, if you wanted to fuck me, delighting in your whimpers in response. I kneel over your face, too high for you to taste me, but close enough for you to see everything. I take the remote control on the nightstand and, after a few clicks, porn I know you like begins playing on the television. I start slowly playing with myself, right above you, switching my attention between the porn, your hard cock and staring straight into your eyes. You want me and I know it; I’m close.

As my own climax approaches, it’s finally time for me to use you. I wet your cock with silky lube and massage it, though it has been hard for so long by now that it almost aches. Just as I feel you approaching the point of no return, I slide down onto you and I ride, taking my pleasure from you as you gasp beneath me, your eyes rolling upwards in hard-earned ecstasy. We come together with total abandon, our bodies quivering next to one another for a long time afterwards.

I know some men are impatient to get to the good stuff, but not you; you know that the waiting is the good stuff. That the art of the tease draws you in like a moth to a flame. But, above all, you know that my playing with you like this turns me on immeasurably, and you’ll take every heart racing second of it.