We’re always looking for ways to keep the Good Ship KLE sailing smoothly, both from our perspective as a gaggle of kinky escorts, and for those of you browsing the site. A few quick updates on what we’ve been up to:

– Improving the user experience of the site. To make the site quicker and easier to navigate, it should now be loading faster. No more spinning wheel of doom. We’ve also revamped the profiles page, removing the colour filter and ensuring all images render in glorious technicolour. Even easier on the eye, don’t you think?

– Making new content, aka the lifeblood of the internet. There’s going to be so many more lovely visuals to feast your eyes (and even ears) on soon, so watch this space, as well as our twitter feed for exclusive updates.

– Connecting with amazing new members. KLE is a collective, and it’s the people that make us. We’re so thrilled to have so many wonderful new additions to the girl gang, and can’t wait to get naked and role around together in big kinky pile on with lots of – wait, sorry, we mean, go to a bar and have a very normal, professional welcome drinks. Ahem.

– Blogging! We’ve been putting pen to digital paper and jotting down our thoughts on all things kink to share with you in the coming weeks. We’ve also been crafting some more of our how-to guides, for those of you looking to dip your toe in the water, but not sure where to start. We can’t wait to hear what you think.

– Trying and failing to avoid the shadow ban police on twitter. Sigh, we’re back on the naughty step. Ah well. It seems there’s no discernible rhyme or reason to it, so we’re saying sod it and resuming business as usual, nipples and all. Come and follow us for the content that’s too hot for the censor.