Take a dip into the delicious world of ‘urolagnia’ – more commonly known as golden showers or watersports kink – in the latest instalment of KLE’s Up Close Kink series. 

Come on in, the water’s fine.

A little bit naughty but still playful and lighthearted, those with an unrealised watersports kink will find it is a great way to spice up vanilla sex or to introduce gentle, sensual domination into the playroom. For those needing some clarification: watersports is the incorporation of urine into sex and play.

Whether you’re in charge of the stream, or just going with someone else’s ‘flow’, it’s wonderfully versatile. From drenching someone in kinky degradation scenes to quenching their thirst, it can be (and is!) a common part of both vanilla and kinky sex lives. 

However, as some may well remember, the production of watersports was banned from porn in the UK in 2014 along with other acts such as caning, female ejaculation and fisting. Despite this ban, some data suggests that the watersports kink is entered into the search bars of British viewers much more often than the rest of the world’s. 32% more in fact.

Before I started escorting I had some idea of how popular this kink was, as I’ve enjoyed following the London Vagabond’s art project – documenting one couple’s experimentation with watersports,” says Tulsi Tamora, KLE member. “But I’m always pleased and surprised by just how many different types of men enjoy receiving it – whether that’s through being urinated on or drinking it.”

It’s no mystery once you witness how visually titillating it is. Visceral and powerful. A woman towering over a man, drenching him with her wetness. Erotically charged with the act of orgasm, there’s no denying a stream’s resemblance to squirting or ejaculation. The feeling of being covered  by – or covering – someone in body fluids through pure pleasure.

“Watersports is a uniquely sensory kink,” Tulsi tells us on her experiences as an Indian mistress in London. “The smell and taste of a confident, in charge woman is concentrated in her piss, creating a feeling of being fully immersed in a woman’s juices that pornography, or even sex, can’t replicate.”

She muses that for some there’s a relaxing element to it. To give in to the humiliating, submissive aspect of it, to feel small, to let oneself go, or as she describes: “to dissolve one’s boundaries and just be soaked in erotic pleasure.” 

Like all forms of kink, communication is key when participating in watersports. The giver needs due notice to ensure they are adequately hydrated. Drinking more than a litre of water per hour can put stress on the kidneys, so its best to drink water slowly over the day. See it as a form of foreplay via hydration – with the added bonus of self care.

The person on the receiving end should ensure they communicate to their play partner(s): where they want it, how much, what context they want it in (as in: what turns them on about watersports), and any limits or boundaries they have. And while urine is mostly sterile, Tulsi points out that it’s safest to not drink the beginning of the stream. 

“Giving golden showers has been more fun than I expected,” Tulsi muses. “The act of towering over a man, and looking down with a smile while I drench him in my juices, smell, and taste is one that will always be erotic to me. It’s definitely something I look forward to enjoying in the future.”