
Want a little more pillow talk? Keep your eyes fixed here for our latest updates, musings and insights from the world of kink and BDSM.

On this latest KLE Collective podcast episode, Nikki D chats to yet another stunning independent London escort: Victoria Rose. She bares all and shares her incredible journey into this charmed demimonde, with a whistle-stop recap on her path so far, and what she’s learned along the way.  Having already got you in the mood with […]
We, like you, are always in search of ways to get to know our beautiful members even more intimately. So, taking our queue from Marcel Proust (by way of Vanity Fair), we’ll be asking some of the most enigmatic independent escorts in London exactly what makes them tick. First up, the alliterative angel Famke Fonteyn, […]
There are some things in life that I will always adore; coffee in bed in the morning (preferably laying next to a lover in the afterglow of sex), a beautiful sunset that casts an orange glow over everything it kisses, a night at the opera and…well, being a prick tease. When it comes to kink, […]
Happy Valentines, lovers. To celebrate, the heavenly Elle Voss took some time out of her busy schedule being a 24/7 dreamboat to create a London date guide informed by the five love languages. Guaranteed to speak straight to your date’s heart and leave you both deliciously tongue tied.   We all crave it, don’t we? […]
Lovers of the clinch, we have something just for you. For those who enjoy those moments of erotic cooldown, we present KLE’s resident ballerina Margot Alderton on the Art of Post-Coital Cuddling.   In the sultry aftermath of sex, an unspoken art exists…one as intoxicating as the act itself. It’s the erotic embrace of post-coital […]
Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin. On the third episode of this brand new series of the podcast, our favourite host Nikki D dives deep into discussion with the luscious Katherine (you can call her Kitty) Sinclair. And trust Nikki to get all the dirty details out of her.  We hear a little more […]
Who better than Louisa Knight – London’s most civilised pervert – to extol the erotic potential of the adverb? We leave you in her more than capable hands.   Often when we’re talking about sex, we miss out a crucial part of the sentence: the adverb. We think so much about what people are doing, […]
Welcome to part 2 of the comprehensive guide to using cryptocurrency as a sex worker. If you missed part 1, go back to catch up on how cryptocurrency works, the costs and benefits for sex workers, and navigating the world of alternative cryptocurrencies.  Now it’s time to discuss the practicalities of using cryptocurrency and essential […]
It’s no secret that we here at KLE are huge fans of that most timeless of erotic fantasies: the threesome. So, on our second episode of the KLE podcast, Antipodean angel Nikki D invited the unmistakably gorgeous Faye Farris onto her pink chaise to discuss duos. And who better to get into it with? Faye […]
With Christmas just around the corner, Bunny Harper wanted to gift you all with some pearls (or rather, anal beads?) of gift-giving wisdom. Here’s the ultimate gift guide to delight the kinky companion in your life. Whether that’s your spouse, play-partner or favourite kinky escort—naughty or nice, there’s something for all the pervs. A kinky […]