Meet KLE’s Artist in Residence: Lilu Izar
Perhaps, like us, your timelines have been a little more colourful of late, thanks to the artwork of Kinky London Escorts member Lilu Izar. Whilst you may know her as a quirky switch and gorgeous natural escort, she’s also an exceptionally talented artist, working in watercolour, pen and acrylic. Her portraits include some of our members, as well as some of the internet’s most beguiling sex workers.
About her work and her background, Lilu told us: “Although I do have a formal classic art education background I find myself more comfortable experimenting with different types of art and mediums. I prefer bold, colourful styles and enjoy painting nature and all types of bodies – but with a soft spot for curves.”
She’s also available for commissions if you’re looking to add to your collection, or to source a Christmas present for someone special. We have it on good faith she paints pets and plants too (although we’ll admit a preference for naked women). You can see some of her work here, and more over on her twitter.
- Maddie Mercury
- Chelsea Baker
- Welsh Belle
- Welsh Belle
- Welsh Belle
- Pure Lily
- Pure Lily
- Valerie August
- Nadia Nielsen
- Nadia Nielsen
- Lilu Izar (self portrait)