Want to know how the other half live? KLE’s finest, Nausi Love discusses her experiences as an escort, exploring the worlds she’s encounters as they orbit hers.


I wouldn’t say I work in the peripheries of the world. It feels like I work in the centre of it all. I work as an escort and my selling factor is probably sex and sensuality but most of my time is purely social and even therapeutic. I spend hours with people I don’t know, presumably rich and wealthy, some fairly powerful. They enter into my universe and I enter theirs. It is a privilege to be desired by the rich and powerful.

I have a strong effect on them, on how they think and how they act. Perhaps this is the reason why women have been used in wars: as spies, as weapons, as victims. I speak openly about my opinions and ideas with my clients and they share theirs with me. I find I get answers to many of my questions; being interested and asking questions is the main part of my job. I get business advice and investment ideas; which stocks to buy, which ones to sell; what, when and where. Sometimes it feels like I, an escort, should be included in the bank regulations around PEP (Politically Exposed Person) side by side with politicians, highly ranked civil servants and their family members.

The interesting fact is that my position and my job is far from acknowledged, even though it happens everywhere, all the time. There will always be women who take advantage of their beauty and there will always be women who are taken advantage of because of their beauty. I’m proud of mastering the art of seduction and the art of care. My job is not about being an erotic trap into which men fall with their big wallets. My job exists because men have been trapped. Trapped in relationships, with people they don’t love, trapped in old life patterns they can’t get out of. Men, just like all humans, have a need to change.

An escort is a way to break a pattern, to break free. My job exists because men have been hurt. Hurt by being secluded and alone, by always being the one carrying responsibilities but never the one who has theirs carried. Men, just like all humans, have a need to feel taken care of. An escort is a care taker- a way to let go. My job exists because men have been taken advantage of not because I take advantage of them. They have been heartbroken, they have been rejected. They have grown complexes about their looks, their personalities, their bodies. Men, just like all of us, have something that is healing inside. An escort is a way to feel relief, a way to process all of the trauma and pain that come with a life that is filled with love and desire.

I meet all of these men. Every client has their own history and their own specific reason for why they have chosen to meet me. I do my best to guide them and I’m often astonished by the fact that their time is actually far more valuable than mine. After all, these men not only lead companies, congregations but sometimes whole nations. It feels surreal that they are the ones paying me —a young strawberry blonde Swedish student with nothing but an art education— to guide them in their deepest secrets and hidden aspects of their personality and life.

It’s crazy that there is no education in how to do this job because it feels like I could really easily fuck up. If I fuck up, I’m not only risking myself but in effect, everything that these men are responsible for, sometimes that feels like it could be the whole world. So what do I do? I cuddle them, kiss them, whip them, spit on them, hit them, blow them, fuck them, swallow them, hurt them, feel them, look at them, care for them, listen to them but most importantly, I am with them.

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