Getting lost in a fantasy is hot, realising it’s a memory is even hotter. Kinky London Escort, Eve Osyth invites us into her hot, summer memory and we plan to stick around.

I wake up, musing on the day ahead. Fortunately, I left my window slightly ajar last night, the day’s heat is already fully in the room with me, (plants feel like they have doubled in size overnight) though the sheets kept me cool. 

Remembering I’m seeing him a second time today (since yesterday) makes me grin as I move out of bed, a quick scan of my body in the mirror after opening the curtain. My mind gives me a sudden, visual recall of moments of the day previous, all coming down to 

clasped hands



mirror reflections

deep kisses and 

deep, deliberate movement 

Then to a very physical memory, making my body react – me totally & utterly melting on to him, gloriously, while looking back at him.

I remember barely any talk. Is it weird to say I barely remember his face?

His fairly low-key, single request today? Same time, only wearing a sundress. He must have pre-meditated the weather today, ‘what a thoughtful gent’  blatantly muttering to myself. In a couple of hours, it will be time for me to go. 

The temperature on the tube is fairly oppressive, luckily (like many others on it) I’m wearing next to nothing compared to normal standards.. Also probably like everyone else, I’m absolutely relishing that ultra-discreet amount of breeze making it through a slit in the window. I focus on forgetting the uncomfortableness remembering some people enjoy this kind of heat – yes, I’ll focus on that. I feel a film of sweat on the dress in between my legs, arms and forehead when it’s time to jump off. 

There are swathes of people on the canal, can I semi-feel his eyes on me through the window or is that so presumptuous? He buzzes me in and I glance in the entrance mirror for a few seconds. Many pixieish thoughts rise through me. 

Our eyes meet at the door and my gaze instantly drops to the floor based on the chemistry of that 0.5 second look. No need to explain that to him, though.

After a moment of freshening up I emerge and just remove every item of clothing standing in front of him, as that’s honestly what I want to do. He just sits, fixed wide-eyed at my body, lets me climb onto him and pull off his shirt. We have a very all-enveloping kiss, with both my arms around his neck then in a flurry, I face away, mounting him with my head turned back,  tongue in his mouth. 

We feverishly fuck, moving from surface to surface, my hearing almost is suspended only for birds and vague sounds of traffic outside for the whole time. Maybe even my ears pop, I’ve driftedd d d d

After a moment we both re-emerge, clasping his hand tightly, turning over to stare at the face that makes me wild. ‘I have something to ask of you..’ he starts. But I’m propelled to my pillow, back at home. Better quit the fantasy and start getting ready for him.